Supper with Santa is tonight at Glenwood from 5:00-7:00PM! Come join us and enjoy pancakes, sausage, and some fun activities in the gym. Santa will be there too! We hope to see you there!
about 1 year ago, Lucas Brown
Just a reminder, the Glenwood apparel shop closes on Monday at 12:00PM. Orders will be in before the start of winter break, and 20% of proceeds will help the Glenwood art department. Here is the link:
about 1 year ago, Lucas Brown
Next week, our students will begin the NWEA mid-year testing. Please help us have a successful week of testing by ensuring your child(ren) arrive on time and have good attendance. We truly appreciate your help and support with this! Have a great weekend!
about 1 year ago, Lucas Brown
Good evening! Just a reminder, the PTO Santa store will be open tomorrow and Friday at Glenwood!
about 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
We have opened a virtual Glenwood Mustang apparel shop through Monty's Outdoors. 20% of sales will also come back to help with the purchase of a kiln for the Glenwood art room. If you are interested, you can purchase items through this link:
about 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
8th Grade Students: RADA fundraiser orders are due this Thursday morning, November 30th. Checks can be made to Glenwood School. Also, all slideshow photos need to be submitted by December 20th. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Lucas Brown
Reminder, no school next week, November 20-24, at Glenwood. Have a great break!
about 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
Reminder, there will be no school tomorrow, November 13, at Glenwood. Thank you, and have a great evening!
about 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
We will celebrate Veteran's Day this Friday, November 10th, at Glenwood. We will have an assembly at 2:00PM with a reception for all veterans to follow. All veterans, community members, and parents are invited to attend!
about 1 year ago, Lucas Brown
Sports pictures are tomorrow for basketball, cheerleading, and mini-mustangs! Tomorrow is also the last day students can buy pie in the face tickets for a quarter with proceeds going to St. Jude's. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
For basketball games this evening, the start time has been pushed back by 30 minutes to 5:30PM. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
If your child participates in cross country, please have them bring their jerseys for pictures tomorrow! Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
A couple of reminders: Parent-teacher conferences for grades 5-8 will be held tonight from 4:00-7:00PM in the Glenwood gym. Also, there will be no school tomorrow, October 20, at Glenwood. Thank you, and have a great weekend!
about 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
Parent-teacher conferences are this week at Glenwood. K-4 teachers will arrange an appointment to speak with you about your student's progress. Conferences for grades 5-8 will be on Thursday, October 19, from 4:00-7:00PM in the Glenwood gymnasium.
over 1 year ago, Lucas Brown
Just a reminder, Little Debbie orders are due tomorrow! Thank you, and have a great evening!
over 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
Just a reminder, tomorrow is pink-out day at Glenwood!
over 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
Just a reminder, no school at Glenwood on Monday, October 9th. Have a great weekend!
over 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
No running club after school today due to poor weather conditions.
over 1 year ago, Lucas Brown
There will be no running club after school today due to the rain. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Glenwood R-8 Mustangs
It's Book Fair week at Glenwood! You can also shop online at
over 1 year ago, Lucas Brown