Just a reminder, there will be NO SCHOOL at Glenwood next week, March 10-14, for Spring Break. We hope everyone has a wonderful break!

Reminder: Spring Picture Day is tomorrow, March 7th, at Glenwood! Forms were sent home with students yesterday. Individual student pictures, class pictures, volleyball pictures, and peewee basketball (boys and girls) pictures will all be taken. Please send volleyball and peewee basketball players to school with their uniforms. Thank you!

The kindergarten spring music program has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 6, at 6:00PM. Thank you!

Here are some schedule updates for this week! There will be volleyball games at Glenwood VS Thayer on Tuesday, February 25, beginning at 5:00PM. The volleyball games with Richards has been rescheduled for Thursday, February 27, beginning at 4:45PM. There will also be volleyball games on Friday, February 28, at Junction Hill beginning at 4:45PM. The high school fair for Glenwood 8th grade students at Howell Valley has been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 26th. 8th Grade students will visit with area high schools during the school day, and parents can drop in to visit with area high school representatives between 4:00-4:30PM. This will be held in the Howell Valley gymnasium. Thank you!

School WILL be in session tomorrow, February 24, at Glenwood! We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

There will be NO SCHOOL at Glenwood on Friday, February 21st, due to snow covered roads. Thank you, and have a good evening.

There will be NO SCHOOL at Glenwood on Thursday, February 20th, due to snow covered roads. Thank you, and have a good evening!

There will be NO SCHOOL tomorrow, February 19, at Glenwood. Thank you, and have a great evening!

Due to the significant winter storm moving into the area tomorrow, there will be NO SCHOOL at Glenwood on Tuesday, February 18. Stay safe!

Reminder: There will be NO SCHOOL at Glenwood on Friday, February 14 due to a staff training day and Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day. Thank you, and have a wonderful weekend!

School WILL be in session tomorrow at Glenwood. Just a reminder, Valentine's Day parties will be from 2:00-3:00PM. Deliveries are welcome, but students will not be able to take balloons or glass vases on the bus home. Also, there is a menu change. It will be biscuits and gravy for breakfast, and lunch will be a ham sandwich. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing our students tomorrow!

There will be NO SCHOOL at Glenwood today, February 12th! The Winter Weather Advisory has been expanded to include our area, and precipitation is expected to begin right when students and staff would be arriving at school. Stay safe!

Due to the Winter Weather Advisory issued by the National Weather Service due to forecasted sleet and freezing rain during the morning commute, there will be NO SCHOOL at Glenwood tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11 at Glenwood. Thank you.

There will be no peewee basketball practice tonight due to make-up volleyball games. The volleyball games with Fairview will be held tonight, February 10th, at Glenwood! The C-team game will begin at approximately 4:30PM, with B-team to follow. The 8th grade players and parents will be recognized prior to the start of the A-team game, which will be at approximately 6:00PM. Thank you!

Due to uncertainty regarding the weather forecast for tomorrow morning, Donuts with Dad scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th, is being postponed. Thank you!

Glenwood will conduct preschool and kindergarten screening on March 10 and 11. If your child will attend preschool or kindergarten at Glenwood for the 2025-26 school year, please call the office at 417-256-4849 to schedule an appointment for your child to be screened. Parents will need to fill out enrollment paperwork on the day of the screening. Also, please bring updated shot records for your child, proof of residency within the district, and a birth certificate. Please share this with anyone you know that plans to enroll a preschool or kindergarten student at Glenwood next year. Thank you!

Regarding High School Transportation:
We will run a bus from Glenwood to the West Plains campus each morning and afternoon tomorrow and Friday. Students planning to ride the high school bus need to be at Glenwood no later than 7:40 am each morning. If your student plans to ride the bus back to Glenwood in the afternoons, they need to be picked up by 4:00 pm on Thursday and 3:00 pm on Friday. Thank you for your understanding.

Good afternoon. Due to a significant number of staff and students absent due to illness, Glenwood will NOT be in session on Thursday or Friday, January 30-31. All after school activities are canceled as well including basketball and volleyball games. We will have AMI packets being sent home that students need to complete and return when we resume school on Monday, February 3. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we will take the opportunity to disinfect the school building and allow the illnesses to run their course. Hopefully everyone will be well and ready for Monday morning. Thank you.

Peewee basketball games will be played at Glenwood tonight against Junction Hill. Games will begin at 5:30PM. Order and times of the games are as follows: B-Team girls (5:30PM), B-Team boys (6:10PM), A-Team girls (6:50PM), and A-Team boys (7:30PM). Please have your child arrive at least 20 minutes prior to their scheduled game time. Thank you!

Just a reminder, there will be NO SCHOOL at Glenwood on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Thank you, and have a wonderful weekend!