NO TRACK PRACTICE TODAY, Monday, March 19th, due to poor track conditions from recent heavy rain. Thanks!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
The Glenwood Lady Mustangs volleyball teams wrapped up their season with the HCAA tournament this week. Congratulations to Coach Kutter and her A and B team players for a great season!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
Matt Kantola from the Missouri Department of Conservation enthralls Glenwood Kindergartners with his displays of venomous and non-venomous Ozarks snakes!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
Ozark snakes presentation with Mr. Kantola
HCAA 2018 Volleyball Tournament Schedule Tuesday, March 13th @ Glenwood 5:30 (Game 1) B Team HV vs JH 6:30 (Game 2) A Team GW vs R 7:30 (Game 3) B Team GW vs R Thursday, March 15th @ Junction Hill 5:30 (Game 4) B Team Winner of Game 1 vs FV 6:30 (Game 5) A Team Winner of Game 2 vs FV 7:30 (Game 6) A Team HV vs JH Friday, March 16th @ Fairview 5:30 B Team 3rd place game 6:30 A Team 3rd place game 7:30 B Team 1st place game 8:30 A Team 1st place game
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
Glenwood School Bus 8 is running late today. If your child rides the bus 8 route there will be delays. Thank you!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
UNDEFEATED! The 6th grade boys PeeWee team went 4-0 in conference play this season. The boys and Coach Neldon put in a lot of time and hard work to have a successful season! We can't wait to see what they do next!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
6th grade boys Pee Wee team 2018
March/April Sports Calendar
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
March and April 2018 sports calendar
Way to go, Mustang Mathletes! Pictured are students who participated in the annual rural school math contest, Math Matters, on Friday, March 2nd. Congratulations on a job well done, Mustangs!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
Math Matters 2018 team picture
THE FROSTY FESTIVAL IS SATURDAY, FEB. 24!! The annual PTO Frosty Festival is tomorrow from 1:00-3:00 p.m. There will be carnival games, a bounce house, raffle items, and silent auction baskets. Tickets are $.25 and armbands are $5. Don't forget to donate to your favorite King and Queen candidates! We will crown a PreK-2 AND a 3rd - 5th King and Queen! Come join the fun!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
There will be NO CHOIR practice after school today!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
No Boys PeeWee Practice! Due to weather concerns, today's Boys PeeWee practice has been rescheduled for Friday, Feb. 23rd.
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
Just a reminder: NO SCHOOL Friday, February 16th for a teachers' meeting and NO SCHOOL Monday, February 19th for Presidents' Day. We will see you back to school on Tuesday, Feb. 20th!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
8th grade will be pre-selling carnations Monday and Tuesday of this week. The flowers will be delivered during classroom parties on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14th. Red, white, and pink colors are available for $1.50 each. All proceeds go to the 8th grade class.
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
8th Grade Parent Meeting Reminder All 8th grade students and parents are invited to attend the Parent Night with West Plains High School. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Glenwood Library on Monday, Feb. 12th.
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
Due to the expected bad weather the Frosty Festival has been postponed until Saturday, Feb. 24th.
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
KRISPY KREME orders are here! You may pick up your order at the gym concession stand today until 7 p.m. during the volleyball games or Saturday, Feb. 10th at the Frosty Festival from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Thanks to all who supported the Glenwood Booster Club!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
THE FROSTY FESTIVAL IS SATURDAY, FEB. 10TH! The annual PTO Frosty Festival is tomorrow from 1:00-3:00 p.m. There will be carnival games, a bounce house, raffle items, and silent auction baskets. Tickets are $.25 and armbands are $5. Don't forget to donate to your favorite King and Queen candidates! We will crown a PreK-2 AND a 3rd - 5th King and Queen! Come join the fun!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
NO SCHOOL Wednesday, Feb. 7th due to inclement weather! Stay safe!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
Progress reports for 6th-8th grades were sent home with students today.
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt
Glenwood will be dismissing early today due to weather concerns. Parent pickup will begin at 2:20 p.m. and buses will run shortly after. Stay safe!
almost 7 years ago, Lynn Tackitt