2018-2019 Glenwood School yearbooks are here! Each family will receive a yearbook paid for by the Glenwood PTO!! Yearbooks will be given to the oldest child in each family today. If you'd like to purchase an additional yearbook please turn in $4 to the front office by Thursday, May 16th. Thank you PTO, Mrs. Beach, and the yearbook staff for an amazing yearbook!
Congratulations to the Glenwood School May Students of the Month!
Preschool - Rilee Lunn
Kindergarten - Aurora Amrhein
1st grade - Tinley Bonham
2nd grade - Becca Loges
Members of the Glenwood School track team attended the MSHSAA Ozark Conference at Parkview High School in Springfield, MO on Tuesday, May 7th. Sixteen schools participated in the meet and the top eight athletes in each event received medals. Congratulations to Coach Kutter and the athletes who attended. The following students placed in their events:
Dylan Brigman - 3rd place in Discuss, 1st place in Shot Put
Jessie Keith - 5th in Triple Jump, 4th in High Jump
Way to go, Mustangs!
Glenwood's Scholastic Book Fair closes at 5 PM tomorrow, Wednesday, May 8th. Come on in before that time, bring your money, and get ready for some great SUMMER READING!!
Congratulations to the Glenwood School April Students of the Month!
Preschool - Zackary Smith
Kindergarten - Sabella Collins
1st grade - Annie Freidt
2nd grade - Bryson Due
MAP BBQ testing reward day is Tuesday, May 7th!
-The 6th-8th grade will be going to the movie theater and may bring concession money.
-The PK-5th grade may bring a blanket and a pillow for movie time at school.
-The PK-5th grade will be playing water games in the afternoon and will need a change of clothes.
Thank you to all who have donated items to make this a fun day! If you have any additional items, please send those by tomorrow, Monday, May 6th. Congratulations on a great testing season! Let's celebrate, Mustangs!
Upcoming Events
May 2nd – May 8th Book Fair
May 7th – MAP BBQ
May 9th – 8th grade banquet at 6:00 p.m.
May 10th – 8th grade field trip; 3rd-5th grade field trip
May 13th – 8th grade graduation at 6:00 p.m. in the gym
May 14th – Kindergarten graduation at 9:00 a.m. in the gym
May 14th - Field Day and Color Fun Run at 1:00 p.m.
May 15th – Preschool graduation at 10:00 a.m. in the Pre-K room
May 16th – Last day – dismiss at 12:15 p.m.
Last Day Awards Ceremonies
1st&2nd grades @ 8:30 a.m.
3rd-5th grades @ 9:30 a.m.
6th&7th grades @ 10:30 a.m.
School will resume on August 15th! Have a great summer!
Reminder: Color fun run t-shirt money is due Friday, May 3rd!
Congratulations to the following relay teams who won 1st place in their events at the HCAA 7th/8th Grade Conference Track Meet held on Tuesday, April 30th.
Boys 1600 Meter Relay team: Dylan Brigman, Tucker Bonham, Kaden Tryon, and Jorge Maciel with a time of 4:38
Girls 800 Meter Relay team: Emily Cecil, Abby Ford, Diana Kaufman, and Brooklyn Mead with a time of 2:10
Great job, Mustangs!
It’s Fine Arts Day! Stop by and view student artwork and writing displays after school today until 7:30 p.m. The music, band and choir concert will be at 6:15 p.m. in the gym. The Book Fair is set up in the Glenwood library and will be open after school 4:00-6:00 p.m. and after the concert until 8:00 p.m. Come see what our Mustangs can do!
The 2019 Glenwood Mustang track and field season came to a close today at the HCAA conference meet. The Glenwood Lady Mustangs brought home the Sportmanship Award and 7th grader Jessie Keith earned All-Conference. Congratulations to Coach Kutter and the Glenwood Mustang track teams!
Field Day 2019 is coming soon!!!
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 14th @ 1:00 p.m. Students will be competing in events and a color fun run! Students may bring $1 for a color fun run t-shirt. Please turn in your $1 by this Friday, May 3rd.
Notes are going home today with all the details!
The MAP BBQ testing reward day is next Tuesday, May 7th. Notes will be sent home today with classroom schedules and other important information. Please turn in all donated items by Monday, May 6th. Let’s celebrate a successful testing season and a great school year! Great job, Mustangs!
Four Glenwood students competed in the MSU Math Bowl held today at MSU-West Plains. Congratulations to Elizabeth Owens, Jacob Bassham, Jessica Doiron and Lillian Blagg for a job well done! Lillian Blagg brought home the 1st place trophy for 5th grade! Way to go, Mustangs!
Upcoming Events
Mon., April 29th-Fri., May 3rd - Testing in grades K-2
Mon., April 29th - 5th/6th grade conference track meet
Tues., April 30th - 7th/8th grade conference track meet
Thurs., May 2nd - Fine Arts Day (see attached schedule)
The last day of school will be Thursday, May 16th. We invite all family members to join us for a free breakfast and the awards assemblies listed below. School will dismiss at 12:15 p.m.
Grades 1-2 Academic Assembly 8:30
Grades 3-5 Academic Assembly 9:30
Grades 6-7 Academic Assembly 10:30
The HCAA Conference Track Meets will be held next week at the Richards Sports Complex. The 5th/6th grade meet will be on Monday, April 29th and the 7th/8th grade meet will be on Tuesday, April 30th. Both meets will begin at 9:00 a.m. Schedules are below.
The Glenwood Tri-Meet will be held on Friday, April 26th at West Plains High School. The schedule of events is pictured below.
Upcoming Events
Friday, April 19th – No School
Monday, April 22nd – Friday, April 26th MAP testing
Tuesday, April 23rd – Mid-quarter progress reports
Friday, April 26th – Glenwood tri-meet vs HV & JH @ WPHS