The Glenwood Booster Club is sponsoring a canned food drive for the holidays. In the past we have been able to generously provide 5 or more Glenwood families with and entire holiday meal, laundry detergent and basket, and canned goods to last several weeks. ***We will be awarding a prize to the class who brings in the most food items. ***Canned items will be awarded 1 point, boxed items=5 points, and larger items such as turkeys, hams, laundry detergent, etc. = 20 points. Any items will be greatly appreciated. Students may bring these items to their classroom until December 19th. Booster Club will distribute baskets on the 21st and the class prize will be awarded after the winter break. Please contact Stacy Kutter with any questions or if you are interested in donating a turkey or ham.
Glenwood Booster Club Food Drive
December 10, 2016