September 2018 Students of the Month



Pre-School, Aubree Johnson




Kindergarten, Lillian Warren




First Grade, Maxwell Freidt




Second Grade, Mariah Blagg




August/September Perfect Attendance




Bottom Row: Andrei Luck, Keaton Brewer,  Elise York, Aubree Johnson, Jud Hayes


Second Row: Ellie Smith, Avery Joyner, Nickolai Burton


Third Row: Elyzabeth Tittle, Braxton Green, MacKenzie Melvin, Adisen Worley 


Fourth Row: Zyler Collins, Mariah Blagg, Jennie Stock, Parker Shotts, Dominic Harrison


Top Row: Arianna Vega, Keaden Collins, Levi Holloway, Cade Wilkening


Not Pictured: Artem Solodkov